Founders Club
Technical Guide

Technical Architecture of the GOAT Founders Club Ecosystem

Dive deep into the technical infrastructure powering the GOAT Founders Club platform.

System Overview

The GOAT Founders Club Ecosystem is designed to foster blockchain innovation by providing founders with a platform to create engaging quests, allocate points, and reward user participation. The system combines blockchain technology with traditional web development practices to offer a secure, scalable, and user-friendly platform.

Core Components

  • User Interface (UI): Web and mobile applications where users and founders interact with the platform.
  • API Gateway: A centralized point that handles all incoming API requests and routes them to the appropriate microservices.
  • Microservices:
    • Authentication Service: Manages user authentication and authorization.
    • Quest Management Service: Handles creation, updating, and tracking of quests.
    • Points Allocation Service: Manages the allocation and redemption of points.
  • Smart Contracts: Deployed on the GOAT Network to ensure transparency and security of on-chain transactions.
  • Blockchain Node: Interacts with the GOAT Network blockchain for reading and writing data.
  • Database: Stores user data, quest details, and other essential information.
  • Notification Service: Sends real-time notifications to users.

Technical Components

System Architecture Diagram

Authentication and Security

User Authentication

  • Implementation Details:

    • Password Hashing: Use bcrypt or Argon2.
    • JWT Tokens: For session management.
    • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Optional for enhanced security.
  • Example Code:

    // Node.js Express authentication middleware
    const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
    function authenticateToken(req, res, next) {
      const token = req.headers['authorization'];
      if (!token) return res.sendStatus(401);
      jwt.verify(token, process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, (err, user) => {
        if (err) return res.sendStatus(403);
        req.user = user;

Quest Management Service


Handles creation, tracking, and completion of founder quests

struct Quest {
    id: Uuid,
    founder_id: Uuid,
    quest_type: QuestType,
    points_allocation: u64,
    start_time: Timestamp,
    end_time: Timestamp,
    current_participants: u64,
    status: QuestStatus
enum QuestType {
impl QuestService {
    fn create_quest(
        founder_id: Uuid, 
        quest_type: QuestType, 
        points: u64
    ) -> Result<Quest, QuestCreationError> {
        // Validate founder
        // Create quest in database
        // Emit quest creation event
    fn complete_quest(
        quest_id: Uuid, 
        user_id: Uuid
    ) -> Result<(), QuestCompletionError> {
        // Validate quest and user
        // Update quest participation
        // Allocate points to user

Points System Implementation

The points system in the FoundersClub smart contract is central to incentivizing and rewarding founders and participants. Below is an overview of how points are allocated, distributed, and converted within the system.

Overview of the Points System

In the FoundersClub smart contract, points serve as a mechanism to allocate rewards to founders and their associated contracts. Here's how it works:

1. Allocation of Points to Founders

  • Function: allocatePointsToFounder(address founderAddress, uint256 points)
  • Process: The contract owner allocates points to a founder, increasing their allocatedPoints.
  • Constraints: Only callable by the contract owner. The founder must be active.
  • Event Emitted: PointsAllocated(address indexed founder, uint256 amount)

2. Distribution of Points to Contracts

  • Function: distributePointsToContract(address founderAddress, address contractAddress, uint256 points)
  • Process: Founders distribute points from their allocated balance to their registered contracts.
  • Constraints: Only callable by the contract owner. The founder must have sufficient available points.
  • Event Emitted: PointsDistributed(address indexed founder, address indexed contractAddress, uint256 amount)

3. Conversion of Points to Rewards

  • Function: convertPointsToRewards(address founderAddress, address contractAddress, uint256 pointsToConvert)
  • Process: Contracts convert currentPoints into pendingRewards at a defined conversion rate.
  • Constraints: Only callable by the contract owner. The contract must have enough currentPoints.
  • Event Emitted: PointsConverted(address indexed contractAddress, uint256 pointsConverted, uint256 rewardsGenerated)

4. Claiming Rewards

  • Function: claimRewards(address founderAddress, address contractAddress)
  • Process: Founders claim pendingRewards from their contracts, moving them to earnedRewards.
  • Constraints: Only callable by the contract owner. The contract must have pendingRewards greater than zero.
  • Event Emitted: RewardsClaimed(address indexed founder, address indexed contractAddress, uint256 amount)

Data Structures Involved

Founder Struct

struct Founder {
    address[] contracts;
    uint256 allocatedPoints;
    uint256 distributedPoints;
    uint256 earnedRewards;
    bool isActive;
    string founderName;

ContractInfo Struct

struct ContractInfo {
    string name;
    address contractAddress;
    uint256 currentPoints;
    uint256 pendingRewards;
    uint256 claimedRewards;
    string category;
    bool isVerified;

Workflow of Points Through the System

  1. Admin Allocates Points to Founder
    • Points are added to founder.allocatedPoints.
  2. Founder Distributes Points to Contracts
    • Points move from allocatedPoints to distributedPoints.
    • Contracts receive points in currentPoints.
  3. Contracts Hold Current Points
    • currentPoints can be converted to rewards.
  4. Conversion of Points to Rewards
    • currentPoints decrease.
    • pendingRewards increase based on the conversion rate (e.g., 100 points = 1 reward).
  5. Claiming Rewards
    • Founders claim rewards, increasing earnedRewards.
    • pendingRewards reset to zero.

Example Scenario

  • Allocation: Admin allocates 1,000 points to Founder Alice.
  • Distribution: Alice distributes 500 points to Contract X.
  • Conversion: Contract X converts 300 points to rewards.
  • Claiming: Alice claims rewards from Contract X.

Visual Representation


  └─ Allocates Points to Founder (allocatedPoints)

       └─ Founder Distributes Points to Contracts (currentPoints)

            └─ Contracts Hold Points (currentPoints)

                 └─ Points Converted to Rewards (pendingRewards)

                      └─ Founder Claims Rewards (earnedRewards)

Infrastructure Considerations

Deployment Architecture

  • Containerized microservices
  • Kubernetes orchestration
  • Multi-region redundancy
  • Automated scaling

Monitoring and Observability

  • Distributed tracing
  • Performance metrics
  • Error tracking
  • Real-time alerting

A robust, scalable, and secure platform for blockchain innovation!

Key Technical Principles

  1. Decentralization
  2. Transparency
  3. Security
  4. Scalability
  5. Performance

Security and Validation Measures

  • Access Control Modifiers:
    • onlyOwner: Ensures only the contract owner can call certain functions.
    • whenNotPaused: Ensures functions are callable when the contract is not paused.
  • Ownership Validation:
    • Validates that contracts are registered under the correct founder.
  • Error Handling:
    • Custom errors provide specific failure messages and save gas.
  • Event Emissions:
    • Critical functions emit events for transparency and off-chain tracking.


Join us in revolutionizing blockchain innovation with the GOAT Founders Club! Contribute, collaborate, and create impactful projects.

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